The Earl's Inconvenient Houseguest by Virginia Heath

The Earl's Inconvenient Houseguest by Virginia Heath

Author:Virginia Heath
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2021-11-30T19:10:32+00:00

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To her complete surprise when her emotions were all over the place and her head and heart were filled with all the memories and grief she had banished for ten years, Sophie still slept away the entire afternoon. Aunt Jemima was wide awake when she finally checked in on her and remained so for most of the evening. While still in some pain and as weak as a kitten, her aunt was well enough to complain incessantly about all her new ailments and well enough that she was able to eat a whole bowl of hearty soup before the sleeping draft Dr Able stopped by to give her took effect. He was delighted with the progress, which for a cautious man spoke volumes, and that at least soothed one of Sophie’s churning emotions which had decided it would be suppressed no longer.

Feeling fragile, battered, vulnerable and more than a little embarrassed by the way she had broken down in front of Rafe earlier, she was quite content to remain ensconced next to her snoring aunt all night. But, and no doubt at Rafe’s insistence, Sophie was once again relieved of her post at the sickbed by the housekeeper who ushered her out and ordered her to go down to dinner which was being expressly held for her.

‘The ladies of the village delivered some gowns this afternoon while you were sleeping, so I have taken the liberty to have a couple pressed and laid out in your room, Miss Gilbert, for you to choose from as it is hardly appropriate for you to be wearing that old scullery maid’s frock in perpetuity. Mrs Fitzherbert has also asked for your measurements so that the sewing circle can make some proper outfits for you that fit.’

That simple kindness brought fresh tears to her eyes when she was certain that she had cried so many today there couldn’t possibly be any left. ‘It has been so long since I had any clothes made I hardly know.’

‘Then I shall measure you myself later before you retire for the night. Would you like a maid to help you dress and do something pretty with your hair now?’ The woman’s eyes glanced at the sorry state of her coiffure which likely resembled a bird’s nest after it had been rained then slept on.

‘Good gracious, no. You have all already gone to far too much trouble for me as it is and I wouldn’t want to delay your master’s dinner any longer than it has been. I am used to dressing myself.’

‘If you change your mind...’

‘I won’t.’ And in case the housekeeper pressed the offer further, she hurried back to her bedchamber and then groaned at the two choices she had been given.

The first was an austere, high-necked and matronly brown crepe which she just knew had to have come from Mrs Outhwaite who was always buttoned up in such expensive but dowdy garments. The second screamed Isobel Cartwright because while it might have been a


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